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Begining bigger patters by kimiteelover 14 years ago

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Hello! I'm new to the more complicated patterns and I was wondering if there is any tips to starting them. I can manage complex patterns up to 10 strings but past that it just becomes a mess and I waste string!

Thank you!

RE: Begining bigger patters by spiffehgymnast 14 years ago

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well, you just need to take your time (: it will be a total mess at first (i did the foot pattern number 3069 for my first pattern after 10 strands) and it will be pretty chaotic but you just need to make sure you pay close attnetion to the strings you are tying an what knot you are on. i suggest using the basic pattern number 1 but with 15 or so strands, that way you practice with more strings but are familiar with the pattern.

RE: Begining bigger patters by moushtie 14 years ago

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Some people find tying a knot in your thread and then clipping it on a clipboard or with a bulldog clip or... trapping it in the lid of your box of threads... is a good way to sort out which string needs to be where. You can tug the strings into the correct order and the clip holds them roughly in place.

RE: Begining bigger patters by kimiteelover 14 years ago

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Thank you guys! I will try that! I appreciate the help!

Kimi =^-^=


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