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Another Question(I dumb at this) by usr398 16 years ago

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Since I'm not as expericened as all you peeps(lol..jk) out there...I have a question,which some of you may not understand because I don't make sence all of the time.Ooops I'm digressing(in Nancy DRew thats what they call it.THERE I GO AGAIN!!)

When you make a fk,Intead of putting the second loop under,I put it on top of the first.Am I making sence?Would that be as good as going under.Cause in the picture showing how to tie the knots,they say to go under.

Making sence?

And,when I do bk/fk's can I pull them sepretaly?Like,tie the bk knot and then the forward knot(like doing it the same way as you would do it together,but sepreate?)

And can I like tie one fk and then another,but only doing one loop?(thats a double knot as I call it!:P)

I hope all of you understand.I did my best to eplain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


RE: Another Question(I dumb at this) by usr661 15 years ago

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umm ok...? well this is all i understand you only have 4 different types of knots and the ones your talking about they go fk and then you do the bk if you get what i mean.


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