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buckle bracelet knot thing by schuale 14 years ago

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I was wondering if anyone could make a tutorial video on how to make the buckle bracelet. I have tried reading and looking at the knot pictures but I still cant figure it out. if you could help me that would be great!

RE: buckle bracelet knot thing by feltmarker 14 years ago

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i'm too lazy to make a video on it, but what you do is pick two main strings (which you will see) and two base strings that you won't see. one main string is on the left, the 2 base strings are in the middle, and the other main string is on the right.

1) with the main string on the left (A), make a "4" (like you would with a forward knot). with the main string on the right (B), go over string A, and underneath both of the base strings (you're going to go through the "4" that you made), and pull.

2) then, with string A, (now on the right), make a "P" (like you would with bk, and take string B and go over string A, and underneath both base strings, then pull.

repeat step 1 and 2.

i hope that helps, and sorry if it doesn't... cause its kinda hard to explain

RE: buckle bracelet knot thing by bowiefan517 14 years ago

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That's why a video post would be appreciated, it IS hard to type and explain :\

RE: buckle bracelet knot thing by feltmarker 14 years ago

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just trying to help

RE: buckle bracelet knot thing by AmyBee 14 years ago

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I've done the buckle following the directions on site, and it worked great. My only issue-- how can you do it when you have an odd number of strings? (as I very often do.) If you fold them in half, you have to end up with an even number.

RE: buckle bracelet knot thing by moushtie 14 years ago

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I just line the single string up with the ones that will be folded and do the initial knots of the beginning loop around them.


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