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Very very very beginner question. by asmi 14 years ago

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hi m just starting and looked at the learn tab. before even starting i have a question. lets say i have two colors string but when folded i'll have 4 strings 2 colors. so 2 strings are suppose to be 75cm? or both strings suppose to be 75 times 2?

RE: Very very very beginner question. by Kaisui_Izumi 14 years ago

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The length of the strings for each pattern actually vary so if you are doing a simple four thread, 75cm for an unfolded thread, but the more string and knots a bracelet calls for equals a much needed longer length of thread =)

RE: Very very very beginner question. by spiffehgymnast 14 years ago

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your best off doing 110 cm then fold in half - worst case you will have extra string but you can use extra string for key chains or practicing new patterns

RE: Very very very beginner question. by asmi 14 years ago

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Thank you =)

RE: Very very very beginner question. by Rissa 14 years ago

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110 cm folded in half? I sometimes need 110cm per string to finish a bracelet, folded in half this would be only 55cm left...

May I ask how long your bracelets are and which material you use?
I use embroidery floss, my bracelets (knotted part of the bracelet) are 13,5-15,5cm long. Many of my strings are pre-cut into 1m pieces and often enough one is not enough for a hole bracelet so that I need to add string.

But of course this really depends on the pattern, how often one thread is used in relation to the others. Sometimes one string needs to be only 80cm, sometimes 120cm are not enough, and this is always single strings, not folded in half.

If your bracelet is of course shorter (10cm) you need less string. And if you use thicker thread you also need less string. So it really depends on your preferences, but I'd never say that 55cm per string to knot are always enough.

RE: Very very very beginner question. by CoHa 14 years ago

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Rissa is right, it depends on the type of the strings and on the patterns.

For example this pattern:

You need threads with different lengths. The black, yellow and orange ones are very long and the red ones very short.

And this pattern:

The lengths vary very much too.

So there is no standard length.


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