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Watermarks by purplegoldfish 12 years ago

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Hey so I've noticed that quite a few people watermark their photos and I would like to start doing it to mine. Soo I'm just wondering what kind of software people use/where they go to do it. Thanks :)

RE: Watermarks by FatnSassy 12 years ago

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You can use pretty much any photo editing software that allows adding text to photos. I use either Picmonkey or BeFunky to do everything from resizing to watermarking. Both are free on the web.

RE: Watermarks by purplegoldfish 12 years ago

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Awesome, thanks so much!

RE: Watermarks by Carrie 12 years ago

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I have a watermarking tutorial on the site, but it's not my current method, so I might have to update it.

RE: Watermarks by Kestrel 12 years ago

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I use GIMP, but this thread gives me a reminder: Carrie, the most recent version of GIMP muddied the waters when it came to simply resizing and watermarking photos. Do you mind if I edit that tutorial a little to point that out? It's no longer as simple as "Resize photo, save as"

RE: Watermarks by Carrie 12 years ago

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Sure :) I'll add how to do it in lightroom later.


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