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end clasp? by usr510 16 years ago

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I see in some photos of larger bracelets a metal clasp that closes over all the end strings and makes a nice finish. Where does one get something like that, and what is it called? I have been surfing jewelry sites and not finding ones with the little chains.

RE: end clasp? by usr420 16 years ago

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you can get them at a craft store im not sure what theyre called but you can ask someone who works there and they'll probably know

RE: end clasp? by usr510 16 years ago

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I looked at my craft supply store, which has a large jewelry area, and there was nothing like it. I found something similar online called "ribbon clamp" but they don't have the chain. Anyone else know where to get them?

RE: end clasp? by Meghan98 16 years ago

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fyi they are called toggles and calsps{im a jewler in training lol :-) }

RE: end clasp? by RainyLights 15 years ago

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Well, I personally think that you can easily make it. Just get a piece of thicker aluminum (they sell it in various craft stores) and shape around your bracelet ends. once you have the shape, drill a hole in the middle and attach a clasp in the hole. That might be tricky, but it's up to you how to do this. You can attach a chain or a clasp and once you've done that, just secure the metal on the bracelet with special pliers and you're done. Sorry if its too complicated. Maybe it is a little too, and I've never tried it before, should work.

RE: end clasp? by QueenPinky 13 years ago

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I think a ribbon clasp is what we have all been looking for! I have searched high and low. <------- this is what i found, hope it helps anyone who may see this Question in the future.


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