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"Fancy" Bracelet Buckles/Ends and Tie Strings? by IceyDreams 12 years ago

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Hey guys, I need some help here. I want to learn how to make some really nice looking bracelet buckle/bracelet ends. I'm beginning to make bracelets that use more strings (24+) and doing the overhead knot with the starter buckle just isn't doing it for me since it warps my bracelet. :/ I have been mind boggled by this one user's bracelet picture on how they did it for ages now, but they haven't gotten back to me yet and I'm wanting to know how they did this.

I don't understand how they make the slanted edges just before the tie strings, and how they did the tie strings themselves. The lady said she used a "round knot" but I have no idea what a round knot is. :S There aren't any tutorials, that I am aware of and have looked for, that show me how to make this type of end shape or tie strings..

Any other bracelet end ideas I am most certainly welcome to, but I feel the basic starter buckle is more for 10 strings or less, and I've moved up with bigger projects. :c

RE: by IceyDreams 12 years ago

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Apologies for using this picture, I have saved it to my computer to study the knot work, and I forgot the lady's username. All credit is reserved to her for the image.

RE: by autumnrose123 12 years ago

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if you go to the top and type in "bracelet buckle" in the search thing, then scroll all the way down to the bottom of the screen there will be a box that says tutorials and you could either click see more or click one thats already there

RE: by IceyDreams 12 years ago

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Thanks, but I just searched for tutorials and they're only giving me mostly braided or looped ends. I did in fact come across a tutorial that seemed promising, but they didn't have pics or videos.. :/

RE: by Foz 12 years ago

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to get that slanted beginning use the start of the shaped bracelet tutorial. for wider bracelets I'd recommend making two buckles, but I might just be a buckle-nut. pm me if you have questions about that shaped tutorial :-)

RE: by IceyDreams 12 years ago

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OH, I bet that's what that lady used! It looks just like it, and its not as complicated as I thought. XD Thanks Foz, will do if I have anymore questions. (:


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