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Found serious bug by Kamyk 12 years ago

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Hi there,

I have found a serious bug on this site.
When visiting first persons (lets call it A) patterns gallery (patterns A have created) and then switching to another persons pattern gallery there is an site reload and as a result I can see only A's patterns.


RE: Found serious bug by k_marie 12 years ago

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We will let Stefan know. Have you tried refreshing the page or clearing out the search fields before searching again?

RE: Found serious bug by Kestrel 12 years ago

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If this is what I think it is, it's been known for a while. You go to search Person B's created pattern list, but Person A's patterns are what shows up?

If so, check the "Made By User" box is clear. Quite often it sticks with the username of the person it was searching for beforehand. Clearing that will usually fix it.

RE: Found serious bug by Kamyk 12 years ago

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Refreshing doesn't work but restarting browser does.
When I'm entering someones alpha patterns they work ok, but normal patterns always shows first persons pattern gallery I visited.

RE: Found serious bug by Kamyk 12 years ago

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It's what Karahe said, thanks :)
I think it should be repaired anyway. It's really troublesome.

RE: Found serious bug by Kestrel 12 years ago

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It is, but you confirming that means it is a known bug :) I'm just sorry I've no better fix for you currently.

RE: Found serious bug by ririttt 12 years ago

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This happens with me too.

RE: Found serious bug by socunpanda 11 years ago

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Still the same :(


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