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Problem with straigh edges! by buuug12 14 years ago

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I'm kinda new to this site, but not to the world of friendhsip-bracelet-making. Anyways, whenever I try to make design ones with fish, ducks, or even just random designs, the edges along the long sides are always not straight, they are all wavy and go with the pattern, also mine are always have a ton of holes, if you have any advice it will be GREATLY appreciated.
THANK YOU!!!! :)

RE: Problem with straigh edges! by moushtie 14 years ago

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You have a problem with pulling all your knots up tight and into place, amd keeping the tension the same for all knots. This is particularly important when mixing straight knots and reverse knots. Take care to use the first loop of each knot to pull it up exactly where you need it, and keeping it there while you make the second half of the knot. It helps if you keep the base thread held taut while knotting.

RE: Problem with straigh edges! by buuug12 14 years ago

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thank you!!! :) I haven't tried it yet but i'm sure it will work :) thank you soooo much ill let u know if i have any other problems again, thanks

RE: Problem with straigh edges! by greengirl 14 years ago

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I used to have the same problem but now I learned that you should pull with the same force for every knot. :)


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