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Option to turn off notifications by Tuketi 11 years ago

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Not sure how often this board is checked or if any of these suggestions are ever put into place, but I would really love an option to turn off certain notifications.

For example, I want to 'like' bracelets, or comment on ones I like, but on many of them, I really do not need or want to see if other people have commented after me. If I'm asking the bracelet maker a question, I may wish to get a notification when/if they respond, but on bracelets I'm just saying something like "beautiful colours!", I don't really care how many other people comment saying the same thing after me.

Therefore, I would like to see a checkbox in the comment form that says "Check to receive notifications for comments after yours" or something similar. I would also like a profile settings option to turn off comment notifications for photos or patterns I've 'liked' altogether.

Thanks. c:

RE: Option to turn off notifications by Foz 11 years ago

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I really like that idea! I can't promise anything, i.e. whether Stefan or the other mods think it's a good idea too, but I'll bring this up on the moderator forum and see what happens :-)

RE: Option to turn off notifications by Alicat 11 years ago

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I think it should apply to anything, not only comments on bracelets, but also forum threads. Plus, you should be able to choose if you DO want to receive notifications although you do not want to comment, for example the Weekly Contest thread and the pictures people post of that pattern.

RE: Option to turn off notifications by Tuketi 11 years ago

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I agree, Alicat, an option to receive notifications (or not) on threads would also be ideal. Basically the option to subscribe to a thread, like many forums have, where you don't get notified by default, but if you subscribe, you will get notified.

RE: Option to turn off notifications by Alicat 11 years ago

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Exactly :)

RE: Option to turn off notifications by Stefan 11 years ago

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I've planned to add "notification setting" features in the next site version, it will probably be able to handle the things you mention. Thanks for mentioning this subscribe-without-participating idea, I did not think of that!

RE: Option to turn off notifications by Tuketi 11 years ago

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Awesome, thanks for the confirmation, Stefan!

RE: Option to turn off notifications by Kislobog 11 years ago

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Hey all. At first I was going to create a new thread, but then found this existing one. My suggestion is also about notifications.
I was thinking of notifications when a new picture has been added to one of user's favourite patterns


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