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Best way to make a cell phone lariat? by Dawnsierra 14 years ago

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I know it may sound dead simple but I can't quite figure out the very best way to make a good cell phone lariat (don't know what else you'd call the little strap you attach to your phone.) I wanted to know what other people's experiences are with making their own. Did you buy a lariat device and then simply make the handle yourself and attach it somehow or did you make the entire thing.. etc?

RE: Best way to make a cell phone lariat? by Frosty 14 years ago

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I haven't made one but if I did, I would buy a cheap lariat and cut the connecting device from that and use it with the cord I made. As a matter of fact I may have a go at it when I get time.

RE: Best way to make a cell phone lariat? by Dawnsierra 14 years ago

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If you do I'd love to see your work! I hate my own lariat for my cell and I'd love to make my own but I just haven't worked out the best way to do it.

RE: Best way to make a cell phone lariat? by Princessfacee 14 years ago

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Couldn't you just do a longer loop at the beginning using only one or two of the strings and then tie all the rest into a bigger not? Like they do for cell phone charms that you can buy? (and then you just loop it around)

RE: Best way to make a cell phone lariat? by dawnbird 14 years ago

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I'll share with you the way I made mine. This photo is going to be huge, but hopefully its detailed enough for you to see what I did (even though I'll explain it too).

When I was planning this, I knew I needed one string to be a lot longer than the rest, so I tied that blue one about half an inch longer than the others. Since the loop at the top was cumbersome, I cut that off once the bracelet was done, and secured the top knot with elmers glue. On the bottom are 5 braids, each ending with a small glass seed bead, also reinforced with elmers.

I've been thinking about different ways to do this though... I have a feeling mine isn't going to last very long because I used DMC embroidery floss and its beginning to fray a little after only three weeks. I'll get back to you if I find another way. :)

RE: Best way to make a cell phone lariat? by dawnbird 14 years ago

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Well darn. I was hoping the image would show up. Gonna try one more post...
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="My custom cellphone tug"></a>

RE: Best way to make a cell phone lariat? by Princessfacee 14 years ago

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You can see it if you click on it, very cool

RE: Best way to make a cell phone lariat? by live_forever12 14 years ago

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omg! dawnbird! how did u doo that!>


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