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RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by Shifa 6 years ago

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I might start a key word thread on saturday i believe. I've gotta buy a new phone tomorrow, dropped it and the screen cracked bad, whoops.
I do have ideas for a few different types of bracelets, and honestly I'd like back tracking and tagging the older ones a lot more if i could.
How has everyone's knotting adventures gone? Allison, i hope they'll let you take some thread and crafting supplies to bible school. making things would be good to wind down from studying with.

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by AZClaire 6 years ago

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I hope you feel better now ?

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by kleinevos 5 years ago

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I will be less active during the next couple of weeks. I will still check in now and then, but I will not do much pattern checking :-)
Happy holidays everyone!

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by Celicia 5 years ago

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Happy holidays!!!!

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by AZClaire 5 years ago

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Happy holidays ;-)

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by Stefanie7 5 years ago

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Happy holidays everyone! <3

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by AZClaire 5 years ago

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Hi girls, I'll be off from February 22 for 10 days to go skiing ;)

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by kleinevos 5 years ago

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Have fun!

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by Celicia 5 years ago

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Enjoy it!!!

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by Allison98 5 years ago

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I'll be back from Bible school in Germany in 2 weeks. I'll hopefully have more free time to pick back up the pace on this site. Sorry for not being around much.


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