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Just can't get the bracelet made by michelle 14 years ago

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I drew a pattern of a golden snitch (harry potter) and followed the tutorial doing that. Well, the drawing part is easy. I have been trying to put this in the generator for days now and I can't get it to come out properly. Could somebody help me because I think this is one of those "not makeable" patterns and I would like someone that has an eye for it to look at it before I spent more hours and hours just trying for nothing. Thanks.

RE: Just can't get the bracelet made by Laneylu412 14 years ago

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Was your pattern an alphabet style pattern or a regular pattern????

RE: Just can't get the bracelet made by michelle 14 years ago

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Thank you for the quick respons. I drew both but the one I wanted to put in the generator is a regular pattern. Thanks.

RE: Just can't get the bracelet made by Alizandria 14 years ago

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Can you put up a link or a pic and I will check it out. :)

RE: Just can't get the bracelet made by michelle 14 years ago

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Alizandria, thank you. I appreciate it. I tried scanning it but that didn't work so I remade it on the computer.

RE: Just can't get the bracelet made by Alizandria 14 years ago

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Ya that wont be a problem. I'll get it to u later today or tomorrow! :)

RE: Just can't get the bracelet made by michelle 14 years ago

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hi Alizandria ! Just wondering if you allready had a chance to look at the Snitch pattern.
Thanks. :)

RE: Just can't get the bracelet made by Alizandria 14 years ago

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Yes! :) Sorry for the delay! I will get it worked up tonight. I misplaced the pics of patterns I was doing for people, but I found them this morning! :)

RE: Just can't get the bracelet made by moushtie 14 years ago

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Hmm.. I'm sure I posted a message in this thread a few days ago.. must've disappeared.

RE: Just can't get the bracelet made by moushtie 14 years ago

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A 21 thread version:

It won't save without an admin making it work though, because it's 46 lines.


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