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broken string.....NOOOOOOO. Help? by fafa 14 years ago

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I'm in the middle of a really cool bracelet and I broke a string......what do I do?? Please help me.

RE: broken string.....NOOOOOOO. Help? by Nohbdy 14 years ago

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i tied it back to itself and kept going like nothing happened. it did leave a little spot in it though, but its not too bad. look at my picture i have thats the one where my string broke.

RE: broken string.....NOOOOOOO. Help? by fafa 14 years ago

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its really short tho but I will give it a try......I'm so mad at myself...grrrrr. Thank you for the advice.

RE: broken string.....NOOOOOOO. Help? by Nohbdy 14 years ago

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i was mad too when it happened to me....hope it works!

RE: broken string.....NOOOOOOO. Help? by fafa 14 years ago

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It worked!!!! YAY YOU!!!! Thanks so much for the help. I was totally sure it was just ruined. Not only that, I had another bracelet that it happened to last month and didnt think to ask anyone and I eneded up throwing it away and it was half done.....silly me. LOL.


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