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Help start thick bracelet. by Babybees 11 years ago

I just starteed a bracelet with 42 strings. how do I start it!

RE: Help start thick bracelet. by Babybees 11 years ago

p.s. I really need to finish it in like a week.

RE: Help start thick bracelet. by kleinevos 11 years ago

I think you have to start with multiple buckles or just 3 or 4 braids, depending on how thick your strings are.

RE: Help start thick bracelet. by Babybees 11 years ago

Oh... Thanks that was a quick reply.

RE: Help start thick bracelet. by Tuzyae 11 years ago

I typically lay out my strings in the reverse order on the sticky side of some tape. Then once they are all lined up, I flip the tape over and stick it to my working surface (which is usually my embroidery floss box. Keeping all the strings in order, I pull them closer together making sure they lay right next to each other and place another piece of tape several inches down. The tape holds all the strings in place as I begin work. I start the fist knots right up to the bottom of the second piece of tape. When finished with the bracelet, I braid the top of the string that was secured by the tape.

RE: Help start thick bracelet. by Babybees 11 years ago

Thanks I will try it. I didn't wan't to have a huge knot or braid at the top.

RE: Help start thick bracelet. by Babybees 11 years ago

anyone else have an Idea.

RE: Help start thick bracelet. by Tuzyae 11 years ago

In one of the buckle tutorials, it talks about how to do multiple buckles or wider ones. I'm new to the buckle concept and have only done one bracelet with it. I've always just braided both ends.

RE: Help start thick bracelet. by Babybees 11 years ago

I'll try that


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