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Save alpha pattern # by PamelaTee 11 years ago

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Maybe this has been suggested before, but I would love to be able to save the tag: number

along with the picture of the alpha pattern the way it saves along with the normal and kumihimo patterns. I save photos of patterns all the time and I love that the normals and kumihimi pattern pics include the pattern numbers. It makes a great reference!

RE: Save alpha pattern # by kleinevos 11 years ago

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Me too ! It would save me a lot of time searching for the number that goes with the saved patterns !

RE: Save alpha pattern # by Fahlaine 11 years ago

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I save the patterns as well, and my tip is to name the pattern after it's number.

I still agree with you, though!

RE: Save alpha pattern # by Sammoning 11 years ago

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If you save them on your computer they will automatically be called by the number. It's what i always I do. And I can sort them in diff. categories/folders on my computer as I please, like 'animals' or 'really big things' or 'flowers'

RE: Save alpha pattern # by PamelaTee 11 years ago

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Those are great ideas, Regina and Samm! . . . If only I had a computer. Unfortunately, I save all of my patterns on my ipad and iPhone and neither device allows me to name my photos (at least that I know of), nor do I know how to access the file names those devices automatically give to photos. I'll investigate further! :D


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