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A tutorial to create alpha pattern ? by artemis 14 years ago

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Hello !
I really want to create my own alpha pattern. I want to create pattern like this :
Does someone could make a tutorial to explain how to do it with this kind of image ?

Thank you for your help !

RE: A tutorial to create alpha pattern ? by Griev 14 years ago

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Well there's this site called PCStich that I used to design the lettering on one of my bracelets (The generic letters you can find here and on Heathers were too generic and boring for me) So all you do is download the free version and make your design, the thing is you cannot save it, so press PrtScSysRq, and go to word or paint or whatever program you prefer and paste it there, then print it (I take a picture of it with my phone, cuz I use a netbook) Hope this helped!


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