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Please make the generator accept shifting patterns again! by LittleWolf 11 years ago


Currently, the generator will only accept patterns where the top strings are the same as the bottom strings. This must have been different in the past, as some patterns (like don't have this. This allows for shifting patterns (again, like the same example). Currently it's just not possible to make such patterns, as the complete pattern would be like 80 lines. At those sizes it just gets too tiny! Even with my browser fully zooming in I cannot input such patterns. (Also, it's a pain in the as to input 80 lines when 16 would have been enough). I would love for that type of pattern to come back again, as they're by far my favorites!

So my petition is: Please remove the constraint that the colors of the first row have to match the last.

If the reason not to do this is that users won't understand it, you could even automatically multiply the input pattern until the colors match again and store that one. That way, when reading you see the full pattern, but when inputting you don't have to.

Thank you!

RE: Please make the generator accept shifting patterns again! by Tuzyae 11 years ago

By using the page up/page down button you can zoom in and out in the generator to make your pattern easier to work on (use arrow buttons to move it up and down within the window). I made a pattern recently that could have repeated the same design but because colors didn't match I had to do the whole long thing until they did. It's a pain, but I can understand the reasoning. A regular complaint in this site is people getting confused with the older patterns that repeat with different colors before they repeat with the same ones. It trips a lot of people up, so it's entirely possible that the general consensus was just to make all new ones repeating. That is my summation though, I'm not speaking for the mods.

RE: Please make the generator accept shifting patterns again! by LittleWolf 11 years ago

I know that you can zoom, but as I said in my post, even when fully zoomed in I had to give up on the pattern I tried to input this morning as it was just too tiny and the arrows weren't readable anymore at that zoom level.

RE: Please make the generator accept shifting patterns again! by Sammoning 11 years ago

Well I think they had good reasons to remove that ability. I sometimes would like this too to make small alterations in a pattern, and I'm sure you will use it correctly but it probably increases the amount of hard to follow, random spam patterns.

RE: Please make the generator accept shifting patterns again! by Puppydog2013 11 years ago

Great reson I think they should do that as well

RE: Please make the generator accept shifting patterns again! by LittleWolf 11 years ago

I really love the large shifting patterns that are currently impossible to input, so I'm gonna bring this up again :P.

I'm actually a programmer myself. I would LOVE to be allowed to take a look at the code for the generator to make it so that you can INPUT patterns that don't match, but so that it STORES the large multiple of the input, so that it DOES match. That way you get the best of two worlds - you can input them, but you don't have the confusing patterns on the site.

Is there any possibility I could be allowed access to the code?


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