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Problems with uploading pictures by Fajura 11 years ago

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The uploader won't work. I uploaded pics yesterday in the flash uploader and it worked just fine.
The pics I'm trying to upload now, is the exact same size and all that. I don't understand why it won't work..
The Simple Uploader won't work either for me, that's why I use the Flash Uploader.

Does anyone else experience these struggles?

RE: Problems with uploading pictures by Sammoning 11 years ago

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I havent experienced anything like that. But do you mean the size in kb is the same or the size in pixels?
It's adviced to size the photo down to maximum 600 pixels width, this can even be done in ms Paint. Also does it give you some error saying it's too big or is it just not worikng.

RE: Problems with uploading pictures by Fajura 11 years ago

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Both. The other pics where the exact same size in pixels and kb.
It says this: "Attachment Exceed Maximum Size Limit"


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