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How can you tell? by Xmutsuko 10 years ago

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I used to love making bracelet and I have recently gotten back into it. In these tutorials how do you tell when you follow each line just left to right, or alternate between left to right, right to left, left to right, right to left?

RE: How can you tell? by Kestrel 10 years ago

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All that matters is that the lines are done in order. Whether you do them from left to right or right to left is entirely up to you.

For normal patterns (I saw your commend on a normal pattern previously, it's why I'm making the assumption that's what you want to look at, so I apologise if I'm wrong) try checking out these tuturials here, particularly the first one, and see if they help you out :)

RE: How can you tell? by Kestrel 10 years ago

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Urgh, comment not commend, sorry.

RE: How can you tell? by Xmutsuko 10 years ago

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thank you so much! that helps alot!

RE: How can you tell? by Kestrel 10 years ago

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Anytime, glad to help!

RE: How can you tell? by Tlotr13 10 years ago

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I agree, it's up to you, as you feel it. As you get used again to the basics (straight pattern, chevron, crosses, ...) you'll start spotting them in the patterns and will work your way through the bracelet accordingly. But all it'll really do is save you from checking the pattern every couple of seconds, as you'll know now to do two chevrons then a diamond or something instead of thinking "blue on red"..."now blue on green"...


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