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How do I create a description for a new pattern? by EdBlair 10 years ago

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I was wondering if there was a way to add a description to a pattern, either as it is created, or after it is created and/or approved. As it stands now, the only thing I can do now is wait for the pattern to be approved, then add my description as a comment.

RE: How do I create a description for a new pattern? by Kamyk 10 years ago

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Probably you can write private guestbook entry or PM to one of moderators and describe what you need.

By the way, you've got the point! Users should have opportunity to add their descriptions without combinations like that but on the other side: what if users could add descriptions freely? What if some uhmm... idiot wrote something offensive or vulgar or racist? It should be controlled.
The best solution is allowing users to add description while pattern is pending and blocking it after approving. But it's something what webmaster can do, not us ^^

RE: How do I create a description for a new pattern? by Kestrel 10 years ago

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If you'd like to PM me, feel free :) (although I'm heading out for a few hours, so if you do, please don't think I'm ignoring you, I just can't get anything done immediately).

RE: How do I create a description for a new pattern? by Foz 10 years ago

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I think Stefan changed it so users couldn't add descriptions for exactly that reason, Kamyk. the only other option would have been to add all new descriptions to the long, long list of things the mods have to check (like similarities and keywords) to make sure nothing rude gets added. most of the time it's not rude or horrible, but just unhelpful -- we get keywords like "awsome, dimond" and stuff like that all the time.

but if you want a description, just message one of us, or write us a mod-only guestbook entry :-)


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