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what type of glue to fasten ends knots? by WJB2 10 years ago

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I find that my end knots come out after only about a week. What kind of glue would be best to glue the knot so it can't unravel? I tried a Krazy Glue pen which didn't work and Gorilla Glue didn't work either, it just made it very sticky. Thanks.

RE: what type of glue to fasten ends knots? by WJB2 10 years ago

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Anyone have experience with Amazing Goop?

RE: what type of glue to fasten ends knots? by kleinevos 10 years ago

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Tacky glue is what I use.

RE: what type of glue to fasten ends knots? by Goura 10 years ago

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If you wish for a permanent closing,buy some cyanoacrilate (super glue),preferably the kind with a tiny paintbrush for applying it.It makes the knot permanent,but also it makes it kinda hard.Hot glue works too,if the knot doesn't have to be seen.Try with some strong fabric glue,or vinilic glue mixed with water.

RE: what type of glue to fasten ends knots? by WJB2 10 years ago

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A permanent hold is what I'm after so I'll start with a super glue type. I also just ordered a bunch of buttons to try using at my closure too.

RE: what type of glue to fasten ends knots? by Goura 10 years ago

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For closure,there is a tutorial for buttons.I recommend with that to use super glue on the back,so even if the knots will undo,the button will stay stuck for a while

RE: what type of glue to fasten ends knots? by WJB2 10 years ago

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I'm just starting a bracelet now which I'll try a button clisure on. Will use super glue on back.

RE: what type of glue to fasten ends knots? by Spaceunicorn72 10 years ago

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Try using a dab of plain, clear nail varnish. :)

RE: what type of glue to fasten ends knots? by iheartmrbump 10 years ago

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Tacky glue because it dries quicklu

RE: what type of glue to fasten ends knots? by MexiPeanut 10 years ago

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I have found that a couple of coats of clear nail polish work pretty well. However, they do make the knot rock hard. So you don't need to use as much as I do :)
Hope that helps :)


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