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What type of string should be used to make bracelets? by itsmccrea 10 years ago

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I've been using yarn because I didn't know what to use so now I have a bunch of yarn. Yet I've wanted to switch to using floss but wondering what is cheaper? I know floss is used more. Is it worth going and using all the yarn for a new type? or What do you use? What is your favorite?

RE: What type of string should be used to make bracelets? by kleinevos 10 years ago

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Where I live yarn is much cheaper. So that's what I use. As far as I know floss is a lot cheaper in the US than it is here and it's harder to find a lot of colors cotton yarn out there.
So it depends on where you live.

RE: What type of string should be used to make bracelets? by itsmccrea 10 years ago

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Im from the US and I havent had the problem with a limit on colors

RE: What type of string should be used to make bracelets? by Sammoning 10 years ago

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If you like the yarn and it's affordable I dont see why you should switch. But if you like to try a different material you can always buy a few bits of floss and give it a try?

RE: What type of string should be used to make bracelets? by Marisswv1978 10 years ago

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I'm in us as well and it is very hard to find colors I can't find neon and I'm aggravated I have a bunch and just found some friendship thread that I'd never find.

RE: What type of string should be used to make bracelets? by WJB2 10 years ago

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I just answered a similar question on the "Other" forum. You can look at my answer there for a longer explanation but my first choice is 1.5mm shamballa cord. Very nice to work with, tons of colors, $1.49 per 57' lengths. You can also try the thinner paracord but not the thick stuff, that'll be too thick and bulky.

RE: What type of string should be used to make bracelets? by Tlotr13 10 years ago

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I agree yarn is cheaper, but I always thought floss looked nicer and was more fingertips-friendly when you weave. (Though I've had friends asking me to do a bracelet in yarn because they thought otherwise).

If you don't mind stocking up on yarn (because you'll often find packs of 100+ skeins), have a look on ebay. I used to have trouble finding cheap floss (I live in Belgium) and last year I thought of looking it up online, and I got floss for between 0,10$ and 0,20$ per skein. (Depending on the number of skeins in the pack and the brand. +delivery to Belgium from USA) Amazon's not bad either, saw some great prices only they weren't avalaible for Belgium.

I'd recommand the Iris brand, seems to me to have the best value for money from my experience. There's cheaper stuff avalaible from Chinese sellers, but although it's not bad quality, the one I bought was thicker than usual floss so I find myself unable to mix it with the others. (Although some patterns actually look better in that floss)

RE: What type of string should be used to make bracelets? by iheartmrbump 10 years ago

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If you mean like normal yarn that you knit with I would say it's more expensive. I personally don't really like yarn cause I find it itchy but I use to knit hats a lot and that's why I have so much of it. Another advantage to floss is that it does not take up as much space. I know all my yarn fills up a good two totes and it's a pain to get out.


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