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What prices should you sell bracelets at by Puppydog2013 10 years ago

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I want to sell some of my bracelets but I don't know what price to sell them at I don't want them to be ridiculously priced like some people do price them at $50 I think that is too much

RE: What prices should you sell bracelets at by wildcattz98 10 years ago

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you can do this a couple of different ways. First find the price of the materials (string, tape, clasps, etc). Then decide either 1) Per string or 2) amount you want to make.
If you choose method 1 of deciding per string, then set a string price, say, $.20. So a 12 string bracelet that costs 2.00 to make you would sell at $4.40 and make a profit of 2.20. If you choose method 2, choose an amount of money you want to make per bracelet. Take that same 12 string bracelet that cost 2.00 to make. If you only want to make $2 per bracelet, then sell it at $4.00. But if you want to make $5.00 per bracelet, sell it for $7.00. Also, if you don't like these ideas, you can always look at other peoples etsy shops and go off of their prices. Hope I helped! ;)

RE: What prices should you sell bracelets at by Puppydog2013 10 years ago

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It help a lot thanks

RE: What prices should you sell bracelets at by wildcattz98 10 years ago

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No problem!

RE: What prices should you sell bracelets at by anyace12 10 years ago

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Yeah look @ etsy. It seems like an average price is $3-$20. I price mine depending on the width, time it took make, and difficulty level, but mostly width. I don't usually think much about materials because they are pretty cheap. I assume I spent around $.50-$3, unless I'm adding clasps, beads, rhinestones, or a fancy type of string. You can definitely charge more for things like beads, and for how nicely finished your bracelet is. Like if you've made a nice adjustable clasp, or even just taken the time to make the ends look a little nicer. Little things like that can make a big difference in someones willingness to pay a little more.

RE: What prices should you sell bracelets at by Puppydog2013 10 years ago

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RE: What prices should you sell bracelets at by jenna1931 5 years ago

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I realize the subject is kind of old, but I just came back to bracelet making and I'm having real fun and would hope to sell some, but even if what I read so far was really helpful, I was wondering if my method for calculating the price is good, bad or ok-ish.
I count 10?/string * hours I worked on it.
i.e.: 18 strings bracelet I made in 6 hours (because the pattern was more or less complex)
10?*18 strings = 1.80$
1.80$*6 = 10.80$

Would you pay that ?

RE: What prices should you sell bracelets at by ReactiveRAT 5 years ago

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That sounds kind of cheap. I would pay even more. If I would sell my bracelets I would sell that kind of bracelet with price 15-16 Euros. (For example 10,80 U.S. dollars = 9,52 Euros) Still, whatever is the best way to you is what you should do. =)

RE: What prices should you sell bracelets at by jenna1931 5 years ago

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Well, I know it's cheap, but I'm starting and my bracelets aren't near perfect (even my tread is cheap/bad quality, but I can't find better right now), so I feel bad for demanding more.
But thanks for your opinion. Maybe I'll change my prices when I'll feel more comfortable to do so :)
But I'm glad to see that I'm not demanding too much right now !

RE : What prices should you sell bracelets at by Pipo74 2 years ago

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I opted to price mine 1 cent a knot. I count my thread and multiply by the number of rows to get how many knots I made. Usually make bracelets with around 30 threads. They come around 2,000. Last I made was 2,040. That would be a $20.00 bracelet. I took around 12 hours. It was good thread. My friends think I should charge higher due to the amount of time.


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