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Sugerencia by aguml 10 years ago

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Antes de nada pedir perd?n por escribir en espa?ol pero no se ingles.
Mi sugerencia es sobre el generador. Funciona genial pero es complicado crear dise?os. ?no se podr?a crear otra versi?n en la que se pinte la imagen final y el nos indique que hilos usar y los tipos de nudos en cada sitio? Me refiero a dibujar como quedar?a la pulsera y que el nos cree el patr?n a partir de ese dise?o. Algo similar a como ocurre con programas para crear dise?os de punto de cruz en los que le das la imagen y el te crea el dise?o diciendo los colores de hilo a usar y dem?s.
No se si me entendereis.
Vuelvo a pedir perd?n por el idioma.

RE: Sugerencia by kleinevos 10 years ago

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Would you please add an english translation? That's the language we use around here, so everybody can understand what you are saying.

RE: Sugerencia by Arismende 10 years ago

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Puedes usar Google Translate, aqu? est? el enlace:

(you can use Google Translate, here is the link..)

RE: Sugerencia by aguml 10 years ago

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First of all apologize for writing in Spanish but not English.
My suggestion is on the generator. Works great but is difficult to create designs. Right could create another version in which the final image is painted and he directed us to use threads and the types of knots at each site? I mean would draw like the bracelet and we believe the pattern from that design. Something similar to what happens with programs to create cross stitch designs in which you give the image and create the design you saying the thread colors to use and others.
Do not know if I will understand.
Again I apologize for the language.

RE: Sugerencia by kleinevos 10 years ago

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I think what you mean is the way our kumi-generator works.
Because a normal bracelet is much more complicated, and there's most of the time more than one way to make the image, knot-wise, I think it will be impossible to make a generator for normals that works like that.
For alphas it could work.


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