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Colors get messed up by Music4Life113 10 years ago

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In the regular pattern generator, when I submit a pattern, various shades of blue become one shade of blue, various shades of pink become one shade of pink, and so on and so forth.

I submit the pattern and everything on the pattern part is messed up. But, the image above the pattern is as it should be.

RE: Colors get messed up by kleinevos 10 years ago

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I think the shades are too similar to each other. Then they become almost the same in the pattern itself.

RE: Colors get messed up by Music4Life113 10 years ago

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But they don't in the image, just the pattern below where it tells you how to do it. And it's never done it to me before.

For example, in this pattern I published 2 years ago:

colors C and D would be made into one single color when I do it now. But it didn't do it before.

I think the problem is that it's lightening the colors. I used a light pink, and the pattern turned it into white, and a dark coral got turned into light pink.

The colors aren't too similar, but they are being lightened by the generator which is causing issues in the pattern itself.

RE: Colors get messed up by Music4Life113 10 years ago

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In this pattern:

the purple purple color became a lighter purple, almost pink color, and the pink became white.

RE: Colors get messed up by kleinevos 10 years ago

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I always see the colors lighter in the pattern than in the image. I don't know why it wasn't like that a few years ago. But if the colors in the image are like they should, there's no real problem I think.
The only thing is that you'll have to pick bright colors to see where they go in the pattern itself.
And I also never pick the real black, because you can't see the arrows on black.

RE: Colors get messed up by Music4Life113 10 years ago

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Okay thank you for your advice.

RE: Colors get messed up by kleinevos 10 years ago

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I've updated the pattern you mentioned and I don't really see a difference in colors, so it must be just the shades you picked. The right image is the updated version.

RE: Colors get messed up by Music4Life113 10 years ago

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Okay well thanks for all your help


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