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Very thin thread? by Briana06 10 years ago

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I bought some of the "friendship thread" from Wal-Mart (I live in the US if that is relevant?) and I tried making the very beginner bracelet on here, Pattern #7124. I think I caught on pretty quickly with how to do the knots and was going along when I realized that with only four strings my bracelet was ridiculously skinny. Since the thread is thin can I double up on the thread? Using two pieces to act as one piece? I'm sorry if this is a silly question. I just didn't want to try it and end up with a knotted mess if it didn't work.

Thanks so much!

RE: Very thin thread? by FakeSmile 10 years ago

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What you can do is increase the number of strings like this # 2 because no matter the thickness of the string if the number of strings is very small as what you did. The more you use thicker strings will be the bracelet.

RE: Very thin thread? by kleinevos 10 years ago

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You can double your strings, no problem!

RE: Very thin thread? by Briana06 10 years ago

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After successfully making my first bracelet I understand what you meant about increasing the number of strings. TYSM!


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