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Favorite button on Patterns page... by stargirl6878 10 years ago

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Hello all...newbie (to the site/forum and crafting friendship bracelets) here!

I searched and found previous posts (posted 4 years ago) regarding the addition of a favorite button on the page where you browse patterns. That is a great idea.

Any info. on whether this will be added in the near future?

Thanks for any input. I think this is a great site, simple, informative and easy to navigate! Great job :)

RE: Favorite button on Patterns page... by kleinevos 10 years ago

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There already is a fav-button on top of every normal and alpha-pattern.

RE: Favorite button on Patterns page... by stargirl6878 10 years ago

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Yes, but you have to click into the pattern page and favorite it...

I was referring to being able to favorite a pattern from the general pattern browsing page...not any one specific a fav button next to each image on the browse page.

Would be helpful instead of having to click into a pattern you like and then clicking fav.

RE: Favorite button on Patterns page... by Ceirdwyn 9 years ago

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Could it be added to the kumihimo patterns?

RE: Favorite button on Patterns page... by kleinevos 9 years ago

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It probably could. We'll have to wait and see till the update for our site is finished .....


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