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Kumi genorator by squeaker14 10 years ago

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The kumihimo genorator wont let me pick out different colors, it only lets me add and take away strings q:((

RE: Kumi genorator by kleinevos 10 years ago

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Are you using a computer or an Ipad/Ipod ? It shouldn't be a problem on a computer. With an Ipad you need to fill in the color-code. Both in the box on top and in the '#' box at the bottom of the pop-up. That works for me as long as the generator doesn't crash ......

RE: Kumi genorator by squeaker14 10 years ago

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Yep I've used iPad, iPod, and computer , and on all of em it don't seem to work, maybe it's the search engine or somethin, it said something about working on the Firefox web browser, I use the safari web browser?

RE: Kumi genorator by kleinevos 10 years ago

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There are several bugs in the kumi-generator, we can't do a lot about that. Try another browser, maybe that helps.

RE: Kumi genorator by shhhhhhhhhhhhh 10 years ago

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ive tried 3 differnt web browsers none w2ill change the colours


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