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Changing colors on kumihimo generator by squeaker14 10 years ago

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I came up with this cool pattern, and I can't get the color "panels" to change tho the colors I need? please help q:(

RE: Changing colors on kumihimo generator by kleinevos 10 years ago

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Do you use an Ipad or Ipod ? In that case you need to fill in the color-code both in the box on top of the pop-up menu and in the box at the bottom of that menu.

RE: Changing colors on kumihimo generator by squeaker14 10 years ago

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What's the pop-up menu? And the box at the bottom? And how do I change the individual colors?

RE: Changing colors on kumihimo generator by kleinevos 10 years ago

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If you touch the box where it says Ff0000 a menu will pop up. In that menu ,at the bottom, there's a box with # on the left of it.
Those are the places where you have to put the color-code. If you're on a regular computer you can just pick the right color.

After that you just touch a dot and it will change into the color you just picked.

RE: Changing colors on kumihimo generator by squeaker14 10 years ago

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I gotcha thank u q:)

RE: Changing colors on kumihimo generator by squeaker14 10 years ago

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I'm on a regular computer and i clicked the color i wanted and the things didn't change color q:(


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