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my friend wants a bracelet with blue, orange, and purple..? by devindanielle 14 years ago

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she said that she'd like me to make her a THIN bracelet with those colors.. but i can't find one that would seem to make them look good together. anybody have any suggestions?

RE: my friend wants a bracelet with blue, orange, and purple..? by K8e92 14 years ago

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make a zig zag one, those always look good and you can add some other colors to it to make it work

RE: my friend wants a bracelet with blue, orange, and purple..? by Cynthia0712 14 years ago

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Youu can do hearts pattern, or tha wave,

RE: my friend wants a bracelet with blue, orange, and purple..? by Cynthia0712 14 years ago

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Youu can do tha wave,

RE: my friend wants a bracelet with blue, orange, and purple..? by Piri 14 years ago

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There's tons of great 'thin' patterns here! When you go to the "Patterns" tab, on the left where it says 'latest/views/difficulty/etc' click on 'Threads' - that will auto-sort all the patterns by the number of threads. From page 1 up to page 33 you should find tons of great patterns to choose from, not just the standard 'waves and zigzags' either! Good luck! :)


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