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Solving a pattern by Delia 10 years ago

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I draw the pattern but i really don't know how to solve it... can anybody help me? :D please.. as soon as possible..

RE: Solving a pattern by Orlica 10 years ago

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Maybe first show us the pattern :)
You mean to make it in pattern generator with all kinds of knots etc?

RE: Solving a pattern by Delia 10 years ago

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i almost solve it.. but i can't save it.. it says "make sure that the bottom string color order is equal to the top string color order before you save"... but i really don't see the mistake..

RE: Solving a pattern by Delia 10 years ago

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bracelet nr. 54

RE: Solving a pattern by Delia 10 years ago

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i made it.. :D

RE: Solving a pattern by Foz 10 years ago

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if you want one of Marina's patterns you can buy it from her page for $1. you can't submit this, or any other pattern from another site as your own here.

RE: Solving a pattern by Delia 10 years ago

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ohh.. sorry i didn't know...

RE: Solving a pattern by elizabeth_s 10 years ago

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I think it should be fairly obvious that you shouldn't steal things from people.

RE: Solving a pattern by Delia 10 years ago

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i repeat i'm sorry, next time i will be more careful :(

RE: Solving a pattern by joybracelet 9 years ago

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glad to see friends here oh.


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