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pattern too large by Mady383 10 years ago

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When I want to save my pattern I have this message: "The pattern could not be saved. The dimensions of the pattern are too big. Read more on the Generator page on the website"
I found nowhere this kind of instructions ... it's 66 strings.

RE: pattern too large by kleinevos 10 years ago

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I know patterns can be max 80 rows, I don't know how many strings the maximum is but it could well be 60.
You could try to make half of your pattern, so 33 strings wide.

RE: pattern too large by kleinevos 10 years ago

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We have some 66-string patterns, but they were all made a long time ago. Probably using the older generator-version . . .

RE: pattern too large by Sammoning 10 years ago

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I think currently the max is 64, so maybe you can just reduce a border or something?

RE: pattern too large by Mady383 10 years ago

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thank you all!
To reduce the width, it's possible to delete strings on the right edge, but for a symetrical effect, I would need to delete 2 strings each side.
Re-drawing the pattern??? well ... it took me hours ...


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