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Turning patterns upside down by Laytons_pa 10 years ago

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Hey, I was wondering, does anyone by any chance have any tips on turning normal patterns upside down? I'm currently doing #80704 (a lizard one) and I wanted to make lizard looking up, lizard looking down, and I was wondering if there was a way without doing a whole new pattern,

RE: Turning patterns upside down by Foz 10 years ago

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my solution is kind of exactly what you're subject line is ;-) print the pattern, and when you've finished one repetition of the pattern (one lizard), turn the page upside down and make the pattern the other way round. you'll start at the bottom, and work towards the top :-)

RE: Turning patterns upside down by kleinevos 10 years ago

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And if you're familiar with using apps for photo-shopping you can mirror, turn, or whatever you like. :-)

RE: Turning patterns upside down by Laytons_pa 10 years ago

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but, won't the knots be all messed up?

RE: Turning patterns upside down by Foz 10 years ago

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just look before you knot, and see where the threads should end up after each knot -- if it's a knot with two threads of the same colour, it doesn't matter which knot you make. and if the black thread starts on the left, and after the knot (black over green) ends up on the right, then you know to make a forward knot. makes sense? :-)

RE: Turning patterns upside down by Laytons_pa 10 years ago

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So just turn everything the other way round? Hmmm I think I could do that. I think I'll just end up trying it on the pattern generator and work from there.
Thanks to everyone ^^


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