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How to submit a non-repeating monster? by PetertheRoman 9 years ago

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There' s a deep secret surrounding some "normal" patterns... They would be mostly non-repeating, which means a different string order on top and bottom. Since the generator is always telling us that this is unacceptable, I wonder how these patterns ever managed to get submitted in thefirst place...
Myself, I'm currently planning to send in a pattern made of 40 strings. Knotting procedure is quite similar to #83854 yet colour choice, colour frequency and colour symmetry are different, which results in a pattern that at first (and even second) sight constantly changes. In fact, it keeps on changing for an entire 200 rows (!), after which it will finally repeat as a whole. It's all just a clever play with contrast, actually, as it really all boils down to 40 rows whose knot pattern will repeat in 5 cycles (that all look completely different to the eye, though.) I don`t yet see a way of rendering these decisive 40 rows in a way that the string sequence on topand bottom will ever match. What am I to do? Somehow record all 200 rows in another free online generator and try and send the result in a PM annex to one of our moderators? I'm clueless.

RE: How to submit a non-repeating monster? by kleinevos 9 years ago

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I'm afraid there's no solution for this on our site and our generator.
All of the non-repeating patterns are made before a generator-update, long time ago. The generator was changed to avoid random patterns.
And the maximum amount of rows is 80, so 200 is impossible ....

The only thing you can do is knot the pattern and show us the picture :-)

RE: How to submit a non-repeating monster? by PetertheRoman 9 years ago

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Okay, I will do so! Thanks anyway!

RE: How to submit a non-repeating monster? by elizabeth_s 9 years ago

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It sounds like a really interesting pattern, I'd like to see one when you get finished :D

RE: How to submit a non-repeating monster? by PetertheRoman 9 years ago

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You'll be the first to know when I post a picture of my humble design of 200 rows :o)


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