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Saving Normal Patterns while you work so you can edit them later??? by majestica1 9 years ago

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PLEASE tell me that there is some kind of way to edit my patterns before they get rejected because I havent been able to finish yet? This has happened to me so many times because other people use my computer, and its sooooo frustrating! I've looked in the forum and I don't see anyone else having this problem.... :(

RE: Saving Normal Patterns while you work so you can edit them later??? by kleinevos 9 years ago

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I'm sorry, but there's no way to do that on our generators. It's requested before and I sure hope our webmaster can do something about it in the new site update, but that'll not be soon I think....

RE: Saving Normal Patterns while you work so you can edit them later??? by Sammoning 9 years ago

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You can still acces your rejectetd pattern via your profile page, from there you could recreate them quikcly and continue them til it's finished.
You can also add he pattern number of the rejected pattern where 000 are in this link, and finish it then save it as a new pattern.

RE: Saving Normal Patterns while you work so you can edit them later??? by kleinevos 9 years ago

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But that's not the way you should do it all the time though. Every rejected pattern takes up server space and we don't want to keep checking unfinished patterns....
If it needs just a little editing you can push the report-button that's on the pattern page and ask the moderators to change it for you. We're always glad to help out if needed :-)


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