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Delete Pending Patterns by Bubbleblower 9 years ago

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Is it possible to delete pending patterns?
I'd just uploaded a pattern and then I noticed there was a mistake so corrected it and uploaded it again. Is there a way to get rid of the wrong one if you're afraid mods will choose the wrong one to publish (this has happened before)?

RE: Delete Pending Patterns by kleinevos 9 years ago

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Pending patterns can be rejected by the moderators if requested. You can push the report-button or send a private guestbook message. If the pattern only has some minor mistakes we prefer to edit the pending pattern though.

RE: Delete Pending Patterns by Bubbleblower 9 years ago

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Ok thanks. I pressed the report button on the one I no longer wanted. Didn't know it could be used for that before.

RE: Delete Pending Patterns by amazingAkj 9 years ago

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Why this forum doesn't allow users to edit their posts?

RE: Delete Pending Patterns by Arismende 9 years ago

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The mods can delete a post if it's necessary. It's just a technical question. I think to add that function, the website would have to be updated, but this is not possible in the moment and a decision of the webmaster.


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