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Organizing Patterns by organized_chaos 9 years ago

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Hello everyone,

I like saving any patterns I like to my hard drive to print out when I do not have an internet connection, but it is turning into a bit of a problem... I have over 6,000 patterns saved so far! I'm starting to have an issue finding specific ones I have saved and it takes a little while to load up the folder now.
How do you organize the patterns you save (if anyone else is just as crazy enough to do this)?

RE: Organizing Patterns by kleinevos 9 years ago

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I just delete lots of them once in a while ;-)) I'm never able to knot them all anyway...

RE: Organizing Patterns by organized_chaos 9 years ago

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I know what you mean! But the non-procrastinating side of me is a bit of an over-achiever... So, I end up hoarding thousands of patterns!

RE: Organizing Patterns by EdBlair 9 years ago

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First break them up by the number of strings, and then by the number of colors. You will probably also want to separate out the patterns you have already done, and possibly the short list of the ones you are most interested in doing next.
By "break them up" I mean creating a bunch of sub-folders and moving the image files into them. There is no automated way to do this type of sorting :( so plan on spending some time on it. Once each folder Is smaller, it should be faster to load.

RE: Organizing Patterns by organized_chaos 9 years ago

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That's a great idea, thank you EdBlair =)

RE: Organizing Patterns by Jrock_kodama 9 years ago

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I store patterns on my hard drive only until I've completed them, then I delete them, unless I know that I will want to do them again. If it's a pattern I really enjoyed, I add that pattern's link to a private Pinterest board so I don't have to wrangle with blind bookmarks- I can see what the design looks like before I open the link. Spares wading through mystery links, and having my hard drive full of images.


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