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Question about too many strings! by Susanturtles 9 years ago

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On the pattern I am using[pattern]/2/ (SORRY WEBSITE TRAITOR!) there are 22 strings... which are a lot! Anyone have any tips on how to keep track of the strings in the right order? When I try and spread them out the knots get messed up since they aren't being tied straight since the strings are spread out.. and the pattern turns somewhat round when the pattern lines continue. Please help thanks!

RE: Question about too many strings! by kleinevos 9 years ago

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I just take the strings between my fingers, right below the knotted part, and I'm always able to find the right string easily.
When you get more experienced you don't mind tangling anymore, and you get used to handling more strings.
I never spread them out anymore. I used to split them up in smaller groups when I just started knotting. Maybe that'll help till you get used to handling more strings.

RE: Question about too many strings! by poignet 9 years ago

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I did my first candy stripe yesterday. I started with 8 strings, but I had to restart with 4 because I was getting confused. :-) I only used 2 colors because I want to be restrained right now. I found myself saying "Red over white 1, red over white 2, red over red 1, red over red 2...."

Of course, you're way beyond that. I saw a photo of bracelet that had the top of the strings taped down, but there was another piece of tape at the bottom as well. It was folded in half so that part of the tape adhered to the board, while the other half stuck to the threads. The threads were fanned out. I might try that.

RE: Question about too many strings! by kleinevos 9 years ago

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I also helps to knot in sections instead of rows. In case of a candystripe you can knot in diagonal lines instead of horizontal.
And I think you made it more difficult for yourself instead of easier, poignet. :-) If you take another color for each string it's a lot easier to see where every string goes.

RE: Question about too many strings! by kleinevos 9 years ago

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And some people use some kind of a loom, Susanturtles: a piece of cardboard with slits where you put your strings in the right order. We have a tutorial for it somewhere...

RE: Question about too many strings! by janeyy 9 years ago

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I usually use a clipboard or something similar when I make a pattern with too many strings. I clip the knotted part onto the clip of the board then I tape the en of the strings on the bottom edge, stretched and far enough apart. So when I knot, I take off two strings from their tapes, knot them, then tape them back down again. Once I've run through the whole pattern once, I can take them out of the clipboard!

RE: Question about too many strings! by janeyy 9 years ago

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RE: Question about too many strings! by poignet 9 years ago

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kleinevos: Thanks for the suggestions. I saw the tutorial for making the cardboard loom and it looks like an excellent idea for me. Someone in the comments to the tutorial mentioned a loom that could be bought. Have you seen those?

janeyy: Thank you, too, for responding. I don't have a clipboard, but I have an old, slanted, drafting board that has a bar that screws down. Unfortunately, it wasn't securing the strings, so I tried tape at the start, but not at the end. Using the tape at the end is a good idea, but I think I am going to make a loom. :-)

RE: Question about too many strings! by kleinevos 9 years ago

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I've seen pictures of the loom, I think it's called 'friendship-bracelet-maker', but I've never seen it in a store around here.
I also think it's not necessary to buy something like that for knotting. You'll probably only use it when you just start knotting and a diy cardboard loom will probably do the same trick. :-)

RE: Question about too many strings! by poignet 9 years ago

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