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gaps between knots? help please! ): by saintcecilia 14 years ago

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I'm trying to make pattern 23 with the crosses and no matter how tightly I tie the knots, there are gaps or holes between the knots in each row. I don't understand what the problem is, I'm pretty sure I'm making the knots the right way.

has this ever happened to you? how do you fix it?
thankyou so so much!

RE: gaps between knots? help please! ): by fbmagic 14 years ago

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Hmm. I don't know how you would fix that. Well you could try this one thing I do and see if it helps. What you do is once you finish your row you take your fingernail and push the row up so it is tight against all that other rows. Does that help?

RE: gaps between knots? help please! ): by catriona 14 years ago

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try tying the knots looser

RE: gaps between knots? help please! ): by PirateFan308 14 years ago

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Sometimes using thicker thread can help get rid of those holes ....

RE: gaps between knots? help please! ): by fsdoubleflip 14 years ago

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actually i found that if you are clipping the bracelet to a clipboard, if you hold all the other strings tight while you tie a knot, it'll keep you from pulling the other strings in weird directions, and keeps gaps to a minimum.


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