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Suggestions? by the_redonewolf8 9 years ago

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I just may being picky but if it's possible, could when you search something and you click view all for "Normal Patterns" could the patterns be shown across the page, maybe with bigger pictures, instead of down a narrow column? I don't know... And maybe make the tutorial pics bigger?
AND I know I'm being really picky on this but maybe make it a bit easier for a lazy person like me to like a pattern instead of clicking on the pattern, then like, and if you wanna go back to your search results you have to hit the back button TWICE?
IT IS PERFECTLY FINE IF NONE OF THIS HAPPENS. I just am making random suggestions that I thought may be helpful. Thanks!
(Sorry I know it's alot of random picky-ness!!!)

RE: Suggestions? by kleinevos 9 years ago

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Our webmaster is working on a big site update for quite a while now. I don't know when it will be ready, but he has a full time job, so it'll probably not be very soon. It also means nothing will change untill the update is finished. We'll just have to wait and see.

RE: Suggestions? by the_redonewolf8 9 years ago

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Ok that's fine. Just wondering, can't wait! :)


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