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Generator on an iPad or tablet by Trendywrist44 9 years ago

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About a month ago I found a link on this website which allowed me to generate normal patterns on my I pad. I accidentally copyed something different and lost the link. If anyone has got this link it would be really helpful.

RE: Generator on an iPad or tablet by Trendywrist44 9 years ago

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I'VE FOUND THE LINK!! (I feel a bit silly posting this just minutes after I created the forum, but I have been looking before I created it.)
Here's the link:
Once u change the pattern u just have to post it as a new pattern.
I hope this helps some people.

RE: Generator on an iPad or tablet by kleinevos 9 years ago

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Please keep in mind : If you use an existing pattern in the generator, don't post the pattern as a new pattern! You will be reported for stealing patterns if you do so, and you are risking a ban.

You can only submit non-existing patterns. Changing colors or just a few knots will not make it a new pattern.

RE: Generator on an iPad or tablet by Trendywrist44 9 years ago

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I always take away most of the strings and then start a fresh

RE: Generator on an iPad or tablet by kleinevos 9 years ago

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Ok, that's fine ofcourse! :-)


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