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Too large to upload!! by MexiPeanut 9 years ago

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I want to upload a picture of a bracelet I just finished. However, its too big. It needs to be 50 kilobytes max but my image is like 735. How can I shrink it? Help!

RE: Too large to upload!! by KnotterHolic 9 years ago

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Hi there MexiPeanut. Try to shrink your picture by using a re-sizing tool online such as or And if you are worried about losing quality by shrinking too much, you can always use the "flash uploader" which is the button above the "simple uploader" on every pattern. The flash uploader can take about 80 kb.

Hope that helps and should you have any more concerns, feel free to get back.

RE: Too large to upload!! by MexiPeanut 9 years ago

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Thanks for your quick reply...i found a way and it worked. Thanks again!

RE: Too large to upload!! by KnotterHolic 9 years ago

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RE: Too large to upload!! by Aarelating 8 years ago

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Hello, is there any possibilty, that some admin fixes the website in a way, that makes bigger picture uploads possible? 50kb pictures seem to be very 90ies and I can't manage to upload any picture using your instructions with iOs.

RE: Too large to upload!! by kleinevos 8 years ago

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No, I'm afraid we can't. But you might have a problem that's not (only) size-related. Starting with iOs 9 Apple decided to change every picture you save to your camera roll into jpeg. Our website only allows jpg format :-(
But I found a solution: Resize your picture, to somewhere around 36-38 kb, then save it to either Google Drive or Dropbox, then post the picture from there.
The quality isn't getting better, but at least it works :-)

RE: Too large to upload!! by XcUiDi 7 years ago

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Why can not we link external images of our bracelets? It would be excellent to see the bracelets in better resolution/quality.

For example, we would upload the images to an external server like etc ... and then publish the url's so that can interpret and display it on screen, and thus save space to this site.

It would be a good choice.


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