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Error by Teuntje1998 9 years ago

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Since today I got a error, on some pages it is there, and some do not
Mysql error in " SELECT id FROM `fb2_users` WHERE thumbs_status=0 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1": Error writing file '/tmp/MYPWn3QV' (Errcode: 28)
Is tthis harmfull orso?

RE: Error by KnotterHolic 9 years ago

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Same on my side too. But as far as I can see, it hasn't limited functioning of any part of the site.
Also, I discovered that when you refresh the same page, the error appears on, it goes away.

I'll still notify Stefan about it.

Thank you.

RE: Error by kleinevos 9 years ago

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I just saw it too. I think it's something with the server or the host of this website. We've had it before and it disappeared again back then, so I think it's nothing to worry about right now. The site itself seems to work fine.

RE: Error by kleinevos 9 years ago

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And right after that the site went down for a few minutes ......
Every now and then that happens. I hope it is solved now.

RE: Error by KnotterHolic 9 years ago

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Okay, the site's been restarted. Hoping it works fine now and no error message.

RE: Error by Teuntje1998 9 years ago

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Thank you !


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