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help help help help help!!!! by ColorfulFREAKx3 9 years ago

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My boyfriend has been BEGGING me to make him a bracelet. He wants it to say the date 4-26-15 and he wants the background to be grey and the date in orange. Can someone PLEASE generate this pattern for me????

RE: help help help help help!!!! by KatXOX 9 years ago

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Would you want an alpha bracelet?

RE: help help help help help!!!! by kleinevos 9 years ago

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Keep in mind that we never accept patterns with letters and/or numbers on it unless it has the whole alphabet, or unless it's an existing logo.

You can search for a nice font-pattern and use that to make your bracelet.

RE: help help help help help!!!! by KnotterHolic 9 years ago

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Or if anyone would be so kind to generate a custom pattern for said request, simply take a screenshot of it and send it.

RE: help help help help help!!!! by Megsy29 8 years ago

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You could easily make it like a name pattern;)


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