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Buckle is to big by Ghosttear 8 years ago

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So I made the buckle too big and i'm 1/3 of the way done. Used a larkhead knot. is there a way i can minimize it? i figured cutting it and super glue would do the trick but want to save money if i don't have to.

RE: Buckle is to big by EdBlair 8 years ago

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How big is "too big"? If you use the tutorial (( Closures )) How To Tie Your Bracelet to Your Wrist you can make use of large buckles, if you make the braided ends long enough. Just loop the braids through the buckle several times.

RE: Buckle is to big by kleinevos 8 years ago

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I'd have to see a picture to understand what you mean. It doesn't sound like a good idea to cut and glue a buckle...
You can make a buckle with string-ends ( see the tutorial for a pouch ) but it would be hard to do it like that with very short ends.
I've tried it myself once or twice and ended up with a very thick loop. I didn't like it much that way.

RE: Buckle is to big by Sammoning 8 years ago

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You could also close it with squareknots, if that makes it look smaller.

If you just made too many buckle-knots you can also try to un-do them with a pointy (though not sharp!) object. I always have a tool nearby to undo my knots if I make a mistake.

RE: Buckle is to big by Ghosttear 8 years ago

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here is a picture of it. i went to far and did not realize how big i made it. the plan i have is to cut it in the middle and take off parts of it on each side then superglue it back together. unless you guys have other ideas? thanks for the help!

let me know if the picture expires.

RE: Buckle is to big by kleinevos 8 years ago

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I think I would just leave it as it is. It's not much too big I think. And I still don't think it'll be better after cutting and glueing :-)

RE: Buckle is to big by Ghosttear 8 years ago

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okay thanks!

RE: Buckle is to big by Ghosttear 8 years ago

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i did 28 loops to both sides of the lark head buckle erm um whatever it is called because its a 28 string bracelet. any recommended loop i should use for a 28 string bracelet?

RE: Buckle is to big by kleinevos 8 years ago

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I always do 15 larkshead knots in total, but my buckles are always the same. I usually do the shaping on the outside of the buckle, not on the inside. That way they are not wider for wider bracelets.

RE: Buckle is to big by Ghosttear 8 years ago

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thanks for the help. just so i don't create another thread can you help me with picking colors for bracelets? like how do you go about picking for example red and finding a color to go with it in a bracelet? i usually go to pininterest for ideas on colors and search the web but it doesn't really help much. omg your bracelets are beautiful. just went to your photos.


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