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Add video feature broken by Katrinaosity 8 years ago

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I've been trying to link patterns to videos, and once I format the url correctly for the link, it generates server error 500. Same error you get when you use the "forgot password?" feature, and enter your email address.
Please fix? Thanks.

RE: Add video feature broken by kleinevos 8 years ago

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It has been like that for years now, and it will not be fixed soon :-(
Once the site finally gets his big update it'll hopefully work again. Our webmaster is too busy to finish it right now though.

Our solution for now is: either message a moderator or put the link to the video in the comments under the pattern you'd like to attach it to, and we can add it to the description box.
If it's not related to a pattern you can add it to an existing tutorial, or make a new tutorial.

RE: Add video feature broken by Katrinaosity 8 years ago

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Got it. Thanks!

RE: Add video feature broken by Sammoning 8 years ago

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I see you have alot of video tutorials, I recommend adding the link to your Youtube channel on your profile page and to the Links page :)

I have added a few to the description boxes but it isn't really necesary when you already post them in the comments. And because it's alot of old patterns, some already have video links to them. I dont want to put only yours in the description, it look like we're saying this is THE tutorial for this pattern..

RE: Add video feature broken by kleinevos 8 years ago

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YouTube links are forbidden in our link section though .....


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