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FB net News: Links page clean-up by Sammoning 8 years ago

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Hello everyone! Today the Links page has received a much needed clean-up.
Lots of old links and duplicate links have been removed.
Besides all the site titles it now says (Etsy shop),(storenvy) etc. This makes it easier to use your CTRL+F buttons on the keyboard to find user-run bracelet shops.
Other labels I added are (FB) for Facebook pages, (Youtube) for video channels and (Webshop) for sites that sell craft materials.

I hope this will give people a renewed interest to the page, since it is alot easier to navigate now :)
Go check out the many shops and tutorials out there and feel free to add your own!

RE: FB net News: Links page clean-up by kleinevos 8 years ago

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Note that linking to a YouTube channel is not allowed in our link section! I don't know why, but that's stated in our rules.....


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