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RE: Thread for conversations about the Chain Knotting Game by hannah_robyn24 7 years ago

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Yeah, I'm loving this game, its a great way for people to get involved. And thanks for posting my pic! I might join in again tomorrow, depending on how much time I have :)

RE: Thread for conversations about the Chain Knotting Game by Arismende 7 years ago

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Wow, nice how you all already make the game work! - And thanks, I'm glad that many of you enjoy my patterns :)

RE: Thread for conversations about the Chain Knotting Game by Marjar 7 years ago

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Yay! Can't wait to see yours, Anja! I bet it will looks super pretty.

No problem Hannah! Feel free to join anytime, I really would like to see another bracelet of yours :)

RE: Thread for conversations about the Chain Knotting Game by Arismende 7 years ago

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I also happened to knot up the first pattern and just uploaded a picture :)

RE: Thread for conversations about the Chain Knotting Game by Marjar 7 years ago

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It looks gooorgeous, I love it! Can't wait to see more :D

RE: Thread for conversations about the Chain Knotting Game by Arismende 7 years ago

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I'm so happy I took your challenge (#86825) now! - I finished the bracelet today, added a middle part and mirrored the pattern; the colours turned out to be just perfect for it! - I'll upload this one tomorrow though :)

RE: Thread for conversations about the Chain Knotting Game by hannah_robyn24 7 years ago

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Arismende, it's beautiful! I love how our bracelets turned out so different yet both from the same palette.

RE: Thread for conversations about the Chain Knotting Game by Arismende 7 years ago

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Thank you hannah! - I also love your version, it's more on the sea-side of the palette picture :) I also think it's really nice to see different versions with the same palettes!

RE: Thread for conversations about the Chain Knotting Game by lostflight2 7 years ago

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I've finished! Just waiting for the photo to be approved :)

RE: Thread for conversations about the Chain Knotting Game by Arismende 7 years ago

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Very nice! This was pattern 9, posted by hannah_robyn24 :) I'll copy the picture here:


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