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Pattern # 649 by usr564 15 years ago

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I am not sure i understand how to place the string to have it in a order i want

RE: Pattern # 649 by jessediamond 15 years ago

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Divide the bracelet in half, so you have one of each color on each side. Make sure the colors are in opposite order on either side. Carefully lay the colors out the way you want, then start. If you can put a clip or something between the big knot or loop at the beginning and the first row, it makes it a lot easier. For the first few rows, keep the threats separtate so you won't mix them up.

RE: Pattern # 649 by usr564 15 years ago

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I understand that but for this specific bracelet there does not seem to be a specific order in the layout when you start to make the colors flow in the order you want them too.
i am using different colors in my bracelet then in the picture and i am not sure where to put them in replacement with the pattern to have them go from one color to the next in the order i want.

RE: Pattern # 649 by jessediamond 15 years ago

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I see what you mean. But if you look at the picture above the pattern, you can see that where the bracelet starts in the pattern, it does also in the picture. So, match the colors you're using to the ones in the pattern, and correspond and place them based on the pattern and picture.

RE: Pattern # 649 by usr564 15 years ago

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I finished a bracelet in this pattern but for some reason not every color came to a point like in the picture is there more to the pattern then not shown?
Is there something else i need to do before starting back at the top with another color because i dont know why not all the colors formed the diamond shape

RE: Pattern # 649 by usr564 15 years ago

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Its always the color that replaces the 'b' in the pattern that never is completed.

RE: Pattern # 649 by jessediamond 15 years ago

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Now i believe you would start back at the top, and do the pattern again with the way your colors are now.

RE: Pattern # 649 by usr564 15 years ago

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Yes that is what i did do but the color that is 'b' in the pattern did not completely form the diamond pattern and i am not sure why

RE: Pattern # 649 by usr982 15 years ago

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It doesn't actually start over from the first row, the pattern continues from the second row and then on that way it works perfectly...

RE: Pattern # 649 by usr564 15 years ago

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okay that makes more sense
thank you!


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